Case File

Less paper, less chaos: work more methodically with electronic case files
Forget lugging around bulging manilla folders, or haphazardly linked case files stacked in piles around offices. Ready Case helps your justice agency staff become more organised and reduce paperwork by making case files accessible and easily updated online—even while in session. Our responsive browser-based platform lets users work on cases from any device, any time.
Find and work on your cases in a flash
Use home screen links to directly dive into your cases or easily search for the cases you need.
Configure your own Electronic Case File view to emphasise the details you want displayed most prominently to save you time and effort.
Get a focused yet comprehensive view of each case you’re working on including all of the associated materials, correspondence, activities and events.
Manage case work more efficiently and securely
Gain a more definitive, secure and centralised digital repository of every action, piece of information, and person involved across your caseload.
See at a glance the current status of each case, add details and take required actions with confidence and speed.
Easily select and combine multiple documents related to a case, in various file formats, to create a single PDF.
Link and manage related cases to simplify workloads
Assign and access linked cases to increase clarity, such as where the same parties are involved in multiple cases, counter-claims, or class action complaints.
Add notes or materials relevant to a grouping of linked cases in a single action.
Easily schedule a hearing or send correspondence to all parties involved across linked cases at once.
More Ready Case features to explore
- Annotate and secure specific documents
- Securely store and manage case-related documents
- Achieve a holistic view of document metadata
Discover the solution and results of how the state of Tasmania is underpinning its Safe at Home program with Ready Case.
Ready Case is modular and configurable, meaning you can choose the mix of features needed and tailor them to your specific use case.
Our platform’s ready-made flexibility helps you achieve the best solution and means implementation is faster, less risky, and more closely aligned with your processes.
- Annotate and secure specific documents
- Securely store and manage case-related documents
- Achieve a holistic view of document metadata
Discover the solution and results of how the state of Tasmania is underpinning its Safe at Home program with Ready Case.
Ready Case is modular and configurable, meaning you can choose the mix of features needed and tailor them to your specific use case.
Our platform’s ready-made flexibility helps you achieve the best solution and means implementation is faster, less risky, and more closely aligned with your processes.