Australia's most trusted student management system

1,450+ customers

40+ staff over 2 locations

Over 20 years experience

For over 20 years, VETtrak’s student management software has been your trusted partner in Australia’s VET sector. Our ongoing mission is to continue to support your student management and deliver a complete education ecosystem that enhances your operations with end-to-end compliance, automation, agility, and intelligence—creating an experience that goes beyond the screen.
As we grow together, we're committed to advancing cloud mobility, forecasting, reporting, compliance, and analytics to better serve your needs.
Do you need assistance from our support team? Get in touch with our VETtrak team and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
VETtrak is continuing to automate, improve and grow your RTO
Tailored reporting
End-to-end student management
Managed services & RTO outsourcing
Data analytics and insights
Web-based portals
AVETMISS, CRICOS and VET student loans
Full compliance in all regions
Cloud-based & on-premises hosting

Need some extra assistance?
Get in touch today by reaching out to the VETtrak team today and we will be in touch as soon as we can!