Safe and Secure Cloud Hosting Service
VETtrak has always prioritised security technologies, procedures and best practices that protect customer information from unauthorised access, use, or disclosure!
With our ISO 27001 certification all hosted clients will now have additional assurance that their information is backed by international best practice information security management.

Accessible Anywhere, Anytime
Store your RTO’s database on our safe and secure servers, fully maintained by us. To access your server, all you need to do is install a small utility to allow remote desktop access. Once installed, you can access VETtrak from any location with an internet connection.
VETtrak is delivered by a remote desktop application: once you are connected, it looks and behaves as if you were using VETtrak on your own computer.

Maintained and Managed by VETtrak
Our cloud option takes out the stress of managing, maintaining and configuring your own server.
With this option, VETtrak can completely manage your database on your behalf, from organising installation to implementing future updates.
Moving over to VETtrak’s cloud server will not disrupt your data or workflow. All you will need to do is send the files to our team for us to upload to our server. Our data migration specialists will guide you every step of the way.

Works Seamlessly With Add-Ons
Looking to incorporate VETtrak’s add-ons into your system? VETtrak’s servers are configured specifically for VETtrak and it’s add-ons, including VETtrak online enrolment and the VETtrak student and trainer portals.

Secure and Safe
We know the importance of regular data backups. We use the latest encryption, security patches, virus scanners, firewalls and a multitude of other safety measures to ensure your data is consistently secure. We also isolate your data at a database level, so your data is never stored in a shared database with other customers.

The VETtrak team offer live, real-time support for all our customers. Our staff can join you online to guide you through any problems or issues you may be having. This process is completely secure: staff can only access your data for support reasons with your express permission.