IT Vision achieves ISO-27001 certification
ISO-27001 is an international standard on how to manage information security. It offers an organised approach on how to maintain confidentiality, integrity and availability of information systems in an organisation. It includes policies, procedures, processes, and systems that work to manage information security risks.
An external and independent auditor examined all aspects of IT Vision’s business processes and recommended the business for certification and in December 2021, we received our ISO 27001 certification.
As an ISO 27001 certified organisation, IT Vision’s people, processes, tools, and systems all adhere to the internationally recognised framework.
While achieving this information security standard required active involvement from all IT Vision staff members, there was a dedicated project team who worked around the clock to ensure all systems and processes were where they needed to be. Lead by Chief Technology Officer, Adrian Halid, the project team included Oscar Tan (Senior PMO Analyst), Guy Brown (Business Services Manager) and Sourabh Sharma (Security Officer).
Caption: ISO 27001 project team.
“Becoming ISO 27001 compliant was a priority for IT Vision. We wanted our customers and stakeholders to know we take information security seriously,” said Adrian Halid, CTO.
“Going through the ISO certification process enabled us to fine tune some of our organisational processes, educate staff on information security best practice and set in place policies that will ensure we maintain and continually improve on this standard.”
“Over the last 12-18 months, we have reviewed our systems and processes, implemented appropriate risk assessments, and then revised policies and controls to ensure we were meeting the requirements of ISO 27001,” said Sourabh.
“It was a big job, but I’m proud that we achieved the certification. It’s a credit to the dedication of the project team and all IT Vision staff.”
Caption: Nigel Lutton (CEO) and Sourabh Sharma (Security Officer).