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Employment Services

Technology partnership will help Workforce Australia providers thrive

The Workforce Australia era has begun.


While there have been some last-minute changes during the 2022 transition from jobactive, like the finer details of the Points Based Activation System (PBAS), employment services providers are now working to activate and secure employment opportunities for their caseloads.


This will be no small challenge. Providers are navigating a system that includes new elements, like progress payments and claims, as well as more intensive engagement with enhanced services caseloads. Job seekers too are still learning how to navigate the new system.


We believe technology partnerships will make all the difference to provider success.


We exist to help communities thrive


ReadyTech (ASX:RDY) is an ASX-listed technology powerhouse delivering mission-critical SaaS solutions in specialised domains, including the employment services industry. We’ve been a key technology partner now through a number of contracts, including jobactive.


In fact, through our employment services management platform Job Ready, and Esher House, our behavioural science intelligence and digital intervention platform, we’re now the largest employment services technology provider in the southern hemisphere.


Part of what we offer customers and the broader employment services community (as well as their job seeker participants) is our people-centric approach. We are ready to put people first, and to do the work of solving complex problems that make a meaningful difference.


Our real reason for being is to drive outcomes and helps communities thrive.


If there’s one thing we’ve learned – and that will be critical to Workforce Australia success – it’s the role of partnership. As a tech  partner, our customer community plays a central, valued role in driving our roadmap and the development of purpose-built solutions.


The Workforce Australia challenge


What do we aim to provide in the Workforce Australia era?


For one thing, we are 100% committed to building the best employment services platform available for helping providers to deliver meaningful outcomes for job seekers and employers. We think a huge part of that is continuing to evolve our industry-specific CRM platform, which offers customers a more fit-for purpose solution than any general mass market offerings.


Our approach in many ways comes down to the perfect product fit philosophy we have across ReadyTech. Rather than creating products that are marketed to multiple industries – and involve inevitable compromise – we create products that embrace the complexity of the verticals they operate in, making them mission-critical for solving customer challenges.


In summary, what we will be providing our customers is three main things:


Technology infrastructure: We deliver technology infrastructure so that employment services providers can deliver best practice services and outcomes.


Industry expertise: Our highly experienced team understands the employment services business in depth, as well as how technology can support its success into the future.


Customer community: Our customers are our partners. We work with our customer community to deliver systems that support their people and their customers.


The future will be achieved together


Workforce Australia provides opportunities for providers to deliver great service, and for job seekers to achieve training and employment outcomes. Technology will play a key enabling role, helping job seekers prepare, progress, move into the workforce - and stay employed.


Part of this means realising that we must never stand still. ReadyTech, for example, will be continually enhancing our products Job Ready and Esher House through constant iteration, in order to improve how we support employment services potential and excellence.


Ultimately, that comes down to inviting the employment services community to create shared product priorities for the future, through constant customer engagement and feedback. Because when we work with you we can help you achieve better outcomes.


The result?  We all get to see the results when we help communities thrive.


Interested in learning more about how we help Workforce Australia providers activate, support, place and retain job seekers? Learn more here.