Job Ready achieves TPES accreditation status first
Job Ready, employment services software system, has become the first Third Party Employment System (TPES) in Australia to achieve ‘Provisional Plus’ information security accreditation from the Department of Employment, Skills, Small and Family Business.
Giving employment services providers the “green light” to use Job Ready, subject to Department endorsement, the accreditation recognises Job Ready as an employment services technology leader.
ReadyTech CEO Marc Washbourne said ReadyTech had been working closely with the Department to ensure that system and infrastructure frameworks meet a high security posture and set of standards.
“For over 20 years now Ready Tech has made information security a priority in our software and operations, to ensure that our customers have the utmost confidence that their data and systems are secured.
Achieving Australia’s first ‘Provisional Plus’ accreditation is a major endorsement of our investment in information security and means our employment services clients are assured we can continue working with them to achieve better employment outcomes for job seekers.”
The Department requires all Third Party Employment System (TPES) that handle information or data relating to programmes delivered by the Department to gain and maintain accreditation prior to use.
‘Provisional Plus’ accreditation signals to employment services providers they are able to use that system because the Department has reached a level of limited assurance the system has safeguards to protect programme data, and that the Department considers that risk acceptable.
The accreditation is based on the Protective Security Policy Framework form the Attorney-General’s Department and the Information Security Manual (ISM) from the Australia Signals Directorate (ASD).
For more information on the Department of Employment, Skills, Small and Family Business’ digital information assurance activities and JobReady’s accreditation, click here.
To learn more about Job Ready features and benefits for employment services providers click here.