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Employment Services

Are you making your employers a Workforce Australia priority?

The crux of the employment services proposition has always been placing job seekers into work.


After all the effort that has gone into assessing and getting to know a job seeker, building a plan of action and building their employability through learning and support, actually finding and sticking work out is what matters.


What can make this crucial phase of the job seeker journey work for employment services providers?


The employer CRM


Having a pool of employers ready to take on candidates is the first step to success.


The most important aspect of this is the employer CRM. In the new Workforce Australia environment, providers will need to level up their ability to identify, attract, manage and engage employers across different sectors.


Often an underinvested-in part of the proposition, Workforce Australia providers will require more proactivity in recruiting employers who are not only open to job seekers, but see potential in a sometimes difficult to place Enhances Services caseload.


This good news is employers can be integrated comprehensively into operations.


With a purpose-built, integrated employer CRM, providers can build an always on channel of employers and roles and manage them from the same place as job seekers. This makes it easier for frontline consultants to manage.


Post-placement support


Post-placement support will also come into its own in Workforce Australia, to become more sophisticated and effective in supporting the early success of job seekers in work.


This could include things like automated email and SMS campaigns to celebrate employment milestones at key junctures, to resilience programs job seekers can use to help them through their first weeks and months.


For example, ReadyTech’s Digital Activation Modules from Ready Resilience allow providers to support job seekers with stage-appropriate resilience support as they enter work, helping them overcome the bumps along the road.


Fully integrated communications and support will level up service and ensure employment outcomes are maintained. Of course communications will not only support PPS, but effective progress through the whole job seeker lifecycle. 


Focusing on what’s important


Utilising an integrated Employer CRM to nurture relationships with employers and unlock employment opportunities will be a critical factor in securing employment in the Workforce Australia environment.


With more Enhanced Services candidates to manage, providers are likely to realise significant efficiency and service benefits if they are managing employers and job seekers from the same platform.


That will go hand in hand with deploying strategic and automated communications capabilities to engage job seekers at different stages on the job seeker journey.


By using frequent, targeted communication to encourage progress towards – and success within – employment, providers will get the most out of placements achieved with the help of their employer CRM.


Interested in learning more about how we help employment services providers activate, support, place and retain job seekers? Learn more here.